Apoyo a las respuestas humanitarias Más información

Nuestro Equipo de Liderazgo


Prior to joining HLA, I worked with Save the Children US (SCUS) and Save the Children International (SCI) in global and regional emergency and resilience advisory roles, strengthening country offices and their local partners’ emergency preparedness and response capacities, and supporting resilience programming.

Most recently, I was leading on HelpAge International’s localisation agenda globally in the capacity of Humanitarian Capacity Strengthening Adviser. I brokered partnerships with the HLA and adopted innovative modalities for capacity strengthening of local partners and network members in Asia and Africa.

I bring over 20 years of field experience working with Save the Children, HelpAge International, IRC, NRC, World Vision International, in development and humanitarian contexts. I hold a MBA in International Economics from Tbilisi University and a BA diploma from Tbilisi Institute of Social Management and Economics. As Lead for HLA Asia Regional Centre, I lead the Partnership and Localisation Hub comprised of humanitarian capacity strengthening and partnership teams, reporting to SCI Asia Programme Operations Director and HLA’s Head of Regional Centres, driving the HLA’s Core Strategy 2022-2024 forward in Asia Pacific.

One thing to know

In my previous roles with SCUS and SCI has visited some twenty five country offices for short and medium term assignments across the continents.

Favourite learning resource

Kaya is my favourite learning platform for my humanitarian learning purposes.

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