Launch of our new e-book
The world is facing radical, rapid change, with over 300 million people in need of humanitarian aid in 2024 alone—and that number is rising. As resources shrink and traditional institutions struggle to adapt, it’s clear we need new approaches and leadership.
At its core, humanitarianism is about connection, solidarity, and purpose-driven action. The time has come to rethink the system, evolve the way we act, and create a more inclusive and equitable humanitarian future. This is the vision of Eco-Mutualism, a new approach to humanitarianism.
We’re excited to announce the launch of our new e-book, co-created by the Humanitarian Leadership Academy and The Eco-Leadership Institute, to inspire a new generation of humanitarians to challenge the status quo, think deeply, and never lose hope. We can all make a difference.
At its heart, humanitarian action is about human connection and hope turned into purposeful action. Humanitarians must promote both international solidarity and self-determination and evolve the humanitarian ecosystem to be inclusive and equitable, where humanitarian citizenship is not bounded by self-limiting and self-serving institutional forms and intransigent power dynamics. It is time to start thinking critically and acting very differently. That is what Eco-Mutualism is about: re-imagining humanitarianism.
We can make the world different by doing things differently. I encourage you to bring your curiosity, challenges, questions and ‘power-with’ to create new paradigms with the ideas and initiatives – like the Pledge for Change – highlighted in this book. I am excited by the possibilities Eco-Mutualism offers the humanitarian sector, and look forward to seeing how these will weave into the many efforts to create and nurture change in the emerging eco-system for global solidarity.
Eco-Mutualism” is just what the doctor ordered for this century to save us all for the next few centuries! Just when the world is falling apart and our fragility showing up in every which way – countries / people / environment / Climate – all of which are falling apart due to our individualism and “here-and-now-ism” this is just the antidote I believe in and this book has brought it into a method. The concept as outlined suddenly makes me feel that the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) can be achieved if only we can establish mutualism and in an ecologically consistent way to ensure it is inclusive of all. The Book provides a way forward from concept to action. There is music in the very phrase “Eco-Mutualism” – I am already humming it.