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Preparados para el futuro: Practicantes Profesionales del Programa de Jóvenes Humanitarios de HLA en Perú comparten sus experiencias

A principios de octubre de 2024, el equipo de HLA en América Latina y el Caribe, junto con 4 organizaciones locales y Save the Children International, se embarcaron en un emocionante viaje: empoderar a los jóvenes en Perú.

Ir más allá del fortalecimiento de capacidades para ofrecer una oportunidad que potencialmente pueda cambiar la vida de ocho jóvenes graduados de diversos campos de trabajo, con un interés común en el campo humanitario.

En este episodio, escuchamos directamente a cuatro de ellos, quienes valientemente asumieron esta aventura: Muriel, de 25 años con una licenciatura en Comunicación, presenta este podcast histórico en conversación con Jorlly, una licenciado en Psicología de 23 años; Gesele una joven de 24 años graduada de Trabajo Social, y Bryan un psicólogo de 25 años.

En esta interesante conversación, los jóvenes comparten experiencias de su viaje de aprendizaje durante estas últimas doce semanas de pasantía en organizaciones humanitarias locales. No te pierdas esta conversación educativa e inspiradora entre estos cuatro practicantes, quienes forman parte de  los primeros programas pilotos para jóvenes humanitarios de la Academia de Liderazgo Humanitario. 

Este podcast es el primero de dos podcasts que compartiremos cubriendo el primer programa de pasantías en América Latina y el Caribe.

El podcast está disponible solo en español y la transcripción está disponible a continuación en inglés.

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Palabras clave: Liderazgo juvenil, pasantía humanitaria, aprendizaje humanitario, formación, desarrollo personal, desarrollo profesional, sector de ayuda, fortalecimiento de capacidades, aprendizaje en línea, localización, liderado localmente

Sobre los panelistas:

Muriel Muñoz GarcíaPracticante Profesional de Descocentro
Muriel es una joven profesional de las comunicaciones con experiencia en animación, creación audiovisual y gráfica, y apasionada por la fotografía. Muriel realizó una pasantía en Descocentro, Perú; en donde apoyó al equipo de comunicaciones en la captura de contenido para elevar el perfil de la organización. Es graduada de la Universidad de Lima, Perú.

Jorlly Saldana Pizango, Practicante profesional de DAS
Jorlly es un psicólogo apasionado con experiencia en brindar orientación para la convivencia familiar en las comunidades nativas a lo largo del río Ucayali. A través del programa de pasantías, Jorlly trabajó en DAS apoyando al equipo en la promoción y defensa de información vital para las comunidades indígenas. Es graduado de la Universidad Nacional de Ucayali.

Gesele Díaz Pérez, Practicante profesional, Acción por los Niños
Gesele es licenciada en trabajo social con un especial interés en promover el desarrollo sostenible y abordar las causas latentes de la vulnerabilidad en las comunidades. Gesele realizó una pasantía en Acción por los Niños apoyando al equipo en las operaciones, promoción y defensa del programa. Es graduada de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.

Bryan DávilaPracticante profesional de Operaciones de Programas, Save the Children
Bryan es un profesional de la salud mental apasionado por impactar positivamente en el desarrollo humano, mediante la promoción del bienestar y el desarrollo sostenible en comunidades vulnerables. Como pasante de Save the Children Perú, Bryan contribuyó a las operaciones del programa de la organización. Es egresado de la Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruíz Gallo.

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About this episode

A compelling exchange about the inspiring journeys of young practitioners in the humanitarian sector unfolds as they describe their unique experiences and challenges. Their stories highlight the importance of empathy, knowledge, and community engagement while encouraging future professionals to take an active role in humanitarian efforts, stressing the need for trained personnel in an increasingly complex landscape.

This episode is only available in Spanish; we have used AI to summarise the topics the quartet cover in their conversation.

  • Introduction of practitioners sharing their experiences
  • Daily roles encompassing both office work and field activities
  • The impact of forest fires and community engagement discussed
  • Emphasis on the complexity of logistical operations in humanitarian aid
  • The importance of mentorship and continuous learning highlighted
  • Reflection on motivations for choosing humanitarian work
  • Call to action for future professionals to engage in humanitarian roles

In the ever-evolving landscape of humanitarian aid, a new generation equipped with passion, knowledge, and an unwavering commitment to serve has emerged. In the latest episode of Fresh Humanitarian Perspectives, we delve into the transformative experiences of four young practitioners participating in the Humanitarian Youth Internship Programme. This episode offers a comprehensive look at what it means to enter the field of humanitarian work, with each guest sharing insights into their unique journeys and the impactful roles they play in their respective organisations.

Muriel Muñoz García, the host and a participant herself, sets the stage by welcoming her colleagues: Jorlly, Gesele, and Bryan. Each guest introduces themselves and outlines their roles within prominent NGOs, highlighting the diversity of focus areas from child rights advocacy to emergency response in native communities. What stands out immediately is the shared sense of purpose among the practitioners, a thread that will be woven throughout the conversation.

The interns discuss their daily responsibilities, illustrating the blend of office tasks and fieldwork that characterise their internships. For instance, Jorlly discusses his work with Das Peru, focusing on providing assistance to communities affected by forest fires. He portrays the chaos and urgency of delivering supplies and training workshops in the aftermath of natural disasters while sharing the profound cultural exchanges with native communities. Similarly, Gesele talks about her work with Action for Children, focusing on promoting children’s rights in districts of Lima, emphasising the importance of engaging local authorities in the process.

Listeners are offered insights into how each guest has thrived amid challenges during their experiences. Bryan reflects on the logistical complexities encountered in his role within Save the Children, revealing the stark difference between theoretical knowledge gained in academic settings and real-world application. He discusses the need for adaptability and ingenuity when facing unforeseen challenges, forcing them to rethink strategies on the ground. This theme echoes in Gesele’s experiences as she navigates relationships with local governments and works to promote sustainable practices for child protection during emergencies.

As the discussion unfolds, the guests explore what has inspired them to participate in this programme. They convey a sense of responsibility to tackle escalating humanitarian challenges, be it through understanding climate change’s impact or addressing the specific needs of vulnerable populations. Their reflections underline the significant impact of the humanitarian crisis in Peru and worldwide, stressing the urgency for trained professionals to step up in these roles.

The episode further emphasizes capacity building through continuous learning and mentorship. The interns share their appreciation for the diverse training sessions integrated into the programme, which empower them to approach humanitarian challenges equipped with relevant knowledge. They describe how the combination of field experience and academic support enhances their understanding of humanitarian principles and practice, allowing them to engage effectively with the communities they serve.

Towards the conclusion, the practitioners encourage future graduates and young professionals to consider roles in humanitarian work. Their collective voice reverberates a clear message: the importance of stepping up and taking action has never been more critical. Each shares personal anecdotes about the emotional fulfilment that comes from meaningful work, advocating for a mindset focused on empathy, resilience, and a commitment to societal betterment.

In summary, this episode of Fresh Humanitarian Perspectives sheds light on the essence of humanitarian work through the eyes of emerging practitioners. Their experiences illustrate how dedication, teamwork, and ethical approaches can carve pathways to tackle the pressing issues of our time. As they navigate their unique journeys, it becomes evident that a new generation of humanitarians is ready to rise to the occasion.

This episode is produced by Ana Lucia Villagran and Nwabundo Okoh.

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