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SHIFT Research Launch Event | Local Organisations and Alternative Humanitarians: New perspectives from Eastern Europe and Türkiye/Syria

London, UK

We invite you to join us for the launch of research reports on locally-led humanitarian responses in Eastern Europe and Türkiye & Syria.

When: 27 February 2025, 09:30 – 17:00 (lunch included, drop-ins welcome for certain sessions)

Where: Conway Hall, London (Brockway Room)

This event is a true reflection of our mission – to inspire a movement for locally-led humanitarian action. The event will delve into the role of local actors, including women-led organisations, youth, activists and grassroots organisations, shedding light on their importance and unique role they play in humanitarian responses.


09:30 – 10:00Reception and welcome
10:00 -12:00Session 1:
Alternative humanitarians:
the role of women-led grassroots initiatives, activists, youth and volunteers in the humanitarian responses in Ukraine and Poland
Myroslava Keryk, Ukrainian House (Poland)
Ben Cope, Ukrainian House (Poland)
Maryana Zaviyska, Open Space Works (Ukraine)
Nataliia Harasivka, Open Space Works (Ukraine)
Sarian Jarosz, Migration Consortium (Poland)
Elisa Sandri, Humanitarian Leadership Academy (HLA)

Panel Host: Izzy Quilter, Head of Research and Evidence at the HLA
12:00 – 13:00Lunch (provided)
13:00 – 14:30Session 2:
LGBTQI+ rights in humanitarian crises: lessons from Poland and Türkiye
Sarian Jarosz, Queer Without Borders (Poland)
Umut Güner, KAOS GL (Türkiye)
Yıldız Tar, KAOS GL (Türkiye)

Panel Host: Pawel Mania, Deputy Director for Impact and Influence at the HLA
15:00 – 16:30Session 3:
The role of local organisations in the earthquake response in Türkiye/Syria and in the reception of refugees in Poland
Beata Charycka, Klon/Jawor Association (Poland)
Julia Bednarek, Klon/Jawor Association (Poland)
Aya Yagan, NSDation (Syria, Türkiye)
Gokhan Erkutlu, NSDation (Türkiye)

Panel Host: Elisa Sandri, Research and Evaluation Specialist at the HLA
16:30 – 17:00Closing remarks

Point of contact

Elisa Sandri, Research and Evaluation Specialist at the HLA e.sandri@savethechildren.org.uk

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