Where do you currently work and what is your role?
I am based in San Salvador, El Salvador. I’m a lawyer and public notary in the Subnational Government of Soyapango, specializing in Social Development. I provide specialized attention to Community Associations of the Municipality, develop work coordination with the different social actors and carry out technical training.
How did you first become involved in humanitarian work?
During the emergency response to the Covid-19 pandemic, I was appointed to provide technical support in the development of activities in different work areas.
Tell us the most interesting thing you’ve learned while taking your courses and earning HPass badges?
I have become aware not only of my own capabilities but also of the inexhaustible source of knowledge available to everyone through different learning platforms, especially Kaya and this approach to humanitarian work.
What badge are you most proud of? Which would you recommend more to a colleague or friend?
The badge that represents the greatest satisfaction and pride, which I am grateful for, is HPass Learning Leader. And the one I would recommend the most is FIELD (Field Managers in Emergencies Learning and Development).
Ironically, I enjoyed that they weren’t as easy as I thought they would be. What I mean by that is that the courses were so rich with information that it was actually enjoyable to learn from them, and the tests weren’t so easy to the extent that you can just brush over the course. They required focus and attention, which made learning way more beneficial.

I have become aware not only of my own capabilities but also of the inexhaustible source of knowledge available to everyone through different learning platforms, especially Kaya and this approach to humanitarian work.