The Humanitarian Leadership Academy (HLA) launched officially in the Latin America and Caribbean region in November 2023 with a focus on upskilling humanitarians in local organisations and across Save the Children with core humanitarian skills to effectively respond to crisis within the region.

The Humanitarian Operations Programme (HOP) covers the essential elements of setting up and running a humanitarian response. HOP provides humanitarians with a platform for a successful career, allowing participants to gain theoretical knowledge and practice the skills needed to respond to the kind of emergencies local responders face – and skills they can share with others.
This training garnered much interest and activity resulting in highly involved and invested participants, persons interested in also becoming trainers for HOP in their organisations and across their countries.
This study showcases Mirtha Carrasco’s journey and experience with the HOP training – the positive impact on her career and for the organisation she works – CEDEPAS NORTE over the period of training and following on.
Increased confidence in response delivery is a theme that runs through this case study as this study supports HLA’s provision of this important training programme for humanitarians.
This case study is also available in Spanish.