We shine a spotlight on Oluwasegun Ogunsakin, a project manager and PhD researcher from Nigeria – and among the first of our HLA Ambassadors! Oluwasegun recently earned his HLA Ambassador HPass badge in recognition of his attendance at five HLA Webinars.
Now he’s a webinar attendee-turned panellist! Oluwasegun will be speaking at our Humanitarian Careers webinar: Peacebuilding on 23 May 2024.
Read on and watch the video to hear more about his inspiring learning journey!
How did you first hear about the HLA and our learning products and services?
I am a project manager for Bellwether International in Nigeria. I first heard about HLA and its learning products and services in 2021. I took the course: An Introduction to Proposal and Report Writing in February 2021.
You have earned your HLA Ambassador badge for attending and engaging with five HLA Webinars. Congratulations! What do you like most about the HLA Webinar series?
I am excited to earn my HLA Ambassador badge because it shows the significant importance of learning and improving human capacity development. The five HLA Webinars are educative events that touchline into the reality of work and development.
One thing I like most about the webinars is the opportunity to learn new things connected to humanitarianism and development. Also, watching the recorded webinar even after it has ended allows me to digest all discussions.
As well as the webinars, have you undertaken any other learning through the HLA?
Yes, I have taken several Kaya courses. My favourite is the CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff (a 12-week online course) with live sessions).
Being a project manager for Bellwether International, the course exposed me to various skills in program development for vulnerable people like IDPs in Nigeria. Also, the course truly revealed concepts on Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), assessment, analysis, design, implementation, and monitoring of various programmes.
What is your next professional goal?
My next professional goal is to complete my PhD in Peace and Security Studies and combine research with worldwide practice in the humanitarian sector. Also, I just finished the course Designing Qualitative Research for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) on the Kaya platform. This course will assist me in developing better research with qualitative methodology.

My advice to my fellow humanitarian learners is to explore the HLA opportunities provided on the Kaya platform. The diversity of courses will help build their capacity at work and choosing career pathways.
Thank for your sharing your learning journey!
Sign up for our Humanitarian Careers webinar: Peacebuilding featuring Oluwasegun on 23 May 2024.
The aim of featuring HLA learners on our website is to inform and inspire humanitarians and the HLA community. These articles do not constitute endorsement or recommendation of the individuals featured. Views expressed by members are solely their own.