Where do you currently work and what is your role?
My name is Yacouba Dembele, I come from Mali. Since childhood I’ve loved and wanted to work in the humanitarian sector.
After my studies in Sociology, I joined the NGO ARAFD (Association Recherche Action Femme et Développement) Mali as a facilitator and then as a project assistant.
I manage the day-to-day operations at the frontline of humanitarian and development projects focusing on the professional integration of women and the prevention of gender based violence (GBV).
How did you first hear about Kaya and HPass and what made you start your learning journey with us?
I got to know about the Kaya platform through my personal research to improve my knowledge and experience in the context of my work.
The learning has strengthened my skills in several areas, in particular humanitarian aid, field operations and planning.
I enjoy earning HPass badges to show off my learning experiences and putting those badges on my resume.
What are your top three courses on Kaya?
My three favourite courses are:
How to Set Up and Run a Response Operation
Introduction to the History of Humanitarianism
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
I took the French language versions of the first two I’ve mentioned – Introduction à l‘histoire de l’humanitarisme and Comment mettre sur pied et mener une opération humanitaire.

I am very happy to be among the HPass Learners of the Year – it has allowed me to take advantage of training, assessment and career development opportunities.