We are currently supporting humanitarian responses in multiple locations - Find out more

Study online with Kaya

Our award-winning, online learning platform Kaya offers over 500 free online courses for humanitarians, covering everything from disaster risk reduction, to coaching and mentoring, to psychological first aid for children.

Over 670,000 users worldwide

Kaya is used by the people, communities and organisations who need it most. Of the top ten countries accessing Kaya, eight are in the global south.

Visit Kaya

Our content is expert-led and evidence-driven, and we listen to our community of learners to continually improve their experience.

Kaya is a global learning platform where learners will find both online and in-person learning opportunities, which are completely free to access.
Reaching over 670,000 humanitarians across the world, a high concentration of learners are from countries facing access issues to training.

Over 500 free courses on Kaya help learners improve their understanding of humanitarian responses. Learning content is also available from our partners including UN agencies, the International Rescue Committee, the Norwegian Refugee Council and International Committee of the Red Cross.

Kaya is accessible from phones, tablets, laptops and PCs, with content available in English, French, Spanish or Arabic; and in many other languages including Ukrainian, Romanian and Polish.

I’m incredibly grateful to the Humanitarian Leadership Academy for their fantastic e-learning platform, Kaya, which has helped me gain the starter knowledge and skills to volunteer at Care 4 Calais.
Hakim, Kaya user

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