Can you share a little about yourself and your work?
My name is Char Gul, and I am from Kabul, Afghanistan.
I work as a Deputy Supply Chain Coordinator at the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Afghanistan, a proud international humanitarian aid organisation.
I have been working as humanitarian operations professional since 2002 and I have worked in six international organisations in senior level managerial positions.
How did you first get interested in humanitarian work?
Once upon a time, I was a refugee in Pakistan and I had no chance to be educated. But through the generous support of IRC I was provided with numerous opportunities to complete my education: primary and high school plus English language learning through TOEFL, as well as management theory and practical training.
I truly understood the importance of humanitarian assistance and support for marginalised and underprivileged people, especially refugees – I made a true intention to become a humanitarian operations professional to serve these communities throughout the world.
How did you first hear about Kaya and HPass, and what made you start your learning journey with us?
I joined the IRC in March 2022, and first accessed Kaya through our in-house training system. I found the training courses very effective and practical.
So I attended more than 150 training courses during the weekends and after work hours. I feel like the knowledge that I have received through these courses is like two MBA courses!
What are your top three courses on Kaya?
All the courses in Kaya are top courses, I can’t just name three! Here are my top 10:
Understanding the Management Role
Human Resource Management in Humanitarian Context
Self-Awareness: Managing Biases
Project DPro: Project Management for Development Professionals
FMD Pro: Financial Management for Development Professionals
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Influencing, Assertiveness and Negotiation
You were awarded your HPass Bronze Level Learner of the Year badge 2022 – congrats! What‘s your next learning goal?
I have completed 52 badges and I want to be an HPass 2023 Humanitarian Gold Level Learner of the Year! I am planning to get more than 65 badges before the end of 2023.
Do you have any tips or advice for fellow humanitarian learners?
I highly recommend all humanitarian learners to attend every single training course related to their field of work in Kaya in order to become an effective humanitarian professional!

Kaya has improved my humanitarian work knowledge to the highest extent, and I have cascaded my knowledge to my team as well in many areas including safeguarding and protection of staff and clients; knowledge and skill of preventing of sexual exploitation and abuse in the humanitarian sector; equality in the workplace and diversity inclusion and belonging. And so many more!
The aim of featuring HLA learners on our website is to inform and inspire humanitarians and the HLA community. These articles do not constitute endorsement or recommendation of the individuals featured. Views expressed by members are solely their own.